Kubernetes Podcast from Google: Keptn, with Alois ReitbauerKeptn, a control plane for continuous delivery, came out of the need to install Dynatrace’s software at their customer’s environments. Alois Reitbauer is Chief Technical Strategist at Dynatrace, reponsible for open source, and a co-chair of the CNCF App Delivery SIG. He talks to your hosts about Keptn, observability after deployment, and how owning a 40 year old sports car is more “curation” than “operation”.https://kubernetespodcast.com/episode/119-keptn/
Quality Sense: Introduction to KeptnIn this Quality Sense episode, host, Federico Toledo chats with Dynatrace’s Andreas aka “Andi” Grabner. From Austria, he has more than 20 years of experience in the field and continuously shares his knowledge about performance engineering especially through his podcast called Pure Performance. During the interview, the two discussed performance engineering concepts, today’s biggest challenges in the field, the open source project, Keptn, and more!https://abstracta.us/blog/podcast/introduction-to-keptn/
Keptn 0.8 feature highlights
Keptn 0.8 feature highlights and important changes with Andi Grabner & Jürgen Etzlstorfer Learn more about feature highlights and important changes in Keptn 0.8 from Keptn maintainers Andi Grabner and Jürgen Etzlstorfer.✅ Shipyard 0.2.0 update✅ Eventing & Tool integrations✅ Multi-cluster support
Scaling Event Driven Delivery & Operations with Keptn
Scaling Event Driven Delivery & Operations with Keptn with Andi Grabner We broke monoliths into microservices and leverage events to orchestrate business processes across all moving pieces. Why are not applying the same event-driven concept to delivery and operations automation? This session introduces the CNCF project Keptn: An Event-Driven Control Plane for automating Continuous Delivery, SLO-Based Quality Gates, SRE Automation and Auto-Remediation. Besides an intro to event-driven CD & CO you will see live demos + how the community is adopting Keptn as well as how you can extend and contribute.
Overcoming scalability issues in your Prometheus ecosystem
Overcoming scalability issues in your Prometheus ecosystem - Talk at Cloud Native Night Munich with Jürgen Etzlstorfer Prometheus is considered a foundational building block when running applications on Kubernetes and has become the de-facto open-source standard for visibility and monitoring in Kubernetes environments. Your first starting points when operating Prometheus are most probably configuring scraping to pull your metrics from your services, building dashboards on top of your data with Grafana, or defining alerts for important metrics breaching thresholds in your production environment. in your production environment. As soon as you are comfortable with Prometheus as your weapon of choice, your next challenges will be scaling and managing Prometheus for your whole fleet of applications and environments. As the journey “From Zero to Prometheus Hero” is not trivial you will find obstacles on the way. In this presentation, we are highlighting the most common challenges we have seen and provide guidance on how to overcome them. Finally, we are discussing a solution to get you there more quickly to build automated, future-proof observability with Prometheus showing Keptn as one possible implementation.
Building advanced SLIs and SLOs with PromLens
Building advanced SLIs and SLOs with PromLens for Keptn with Julius Volz, PromLabs Learn more about how to build advanced service-level indicators and service-level objectives with PromeLens for Keptn.