Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see


👋 Welcome to the Keptn community!

This is the starting point for joining and contributing to the Keptn community - improving docs, improving code, discussing new features and use cases etc. For all collaboration and communication going on in all keptn projects, please read and follow our Code of Conduct.


We have a dedicated Keptn slack workspace (for in-depth discussions and getting in touch with the team) as well as a #keptn channel in the CNCF Slack workspace. We are happy to talk to you!

✅ Chat with other people about using Keptn

✅ Connect to other Keptn developers to start your own Keptn integration

✅ Get help from the Keptn community

❌ This is not a good place to submit bug reports 🐞 . Please open an issue instead so the Keptn maintainers & developers can take care of it.


We are hosting monthly Keptn user groups and regular community and developer meetings every two weeks. All these meetings happen in the APAC/EMEA and Americas/EMEA timezones, approximately at 8..10AM and 3..5PM UTC.

All meetings are public, any Keptn contributor or user are welcome to join! Find the details in the corresponding sections.

Community Portal

The Keptn community has a chapter on the CNCF Community Portal. This chapter is used for Keptn meetings and other events hosted by the community. Please join the chapter and register for the events!


The Keptn newsletter is our way to inform the Keptn community on the latest updates of the project.

✅ Watch for new releases of Keptn

✅ Hear about public conferences and meetups where Keptn is presented

✅ Learn how to use new features

✅ Get updates on new blog posts about Keptn

✅ Hear about new Keptn integrations or announce your integration.