Please subscribe to our Keptn YouTube channel that holds all of our videos. Below, we are highlighting the most watched and demanded videos by the community.
Auto-remediation with Keptn: Lessons Learned during our PoC
Auto-remediation with Keptn: Lessons Learned during our PoC with Saveetha Ravi, MindtreeSaveetha Ravi joins this Keptn user group to go through an end-to-end scenario of how Keptn is used with Dynatrace to auto-remediate problems detected in production environments.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Automated Performance Evaluation
A Practitioner’s Guide to Automated Performance Evaluation with Sachin KulkarniSachin Kulkarni joins this Keptn user group to show us how Schlumberger integrates Keptn Quality Gates into their Azure DevOps pipelines to validate up to 100+ performance SLOs.
Scaling performance test execution & analysis
Scaling performance test execution & analysis with Roman Ferstl, TrisconRoman Ferstl (Triscon-IT) joins this Keptn user group to share their lessons learned and best practices on how to scale performance testing with Neoload and Keptn.
Continuously evaluating application resiliency with LitmusChaos, Locust and Keptn
Continuously evaluating application resiliency with LitmusChaos, Locust and Keptn with Adrian Gonciarz, Kitopi Adrian Gonciarz is sharing the journey of Kitopi on how they implemented application resiliency evaluation with LitmusChaos, Locust, GitLab, and Keptn.
Keptn Quality Gates with Argo and Jenkins for Distributed Load Testing
Keptn Quality Gates with Argo and Jenkins for Distributed Load Testing – Lessons Learned from Intuit with Sumit Nagal, IntuitIn this Keptn User Group we have Sumit Nagal who leads the Reliability Engineering Team at Intuit. In his latest blog he gave insights into why and how his team provides Distributed Load Testing using Argo in Kubernetes (DISTRO) to his organization. We will learn how they integrated Keptn Quality Gates to automate performance test analysis for every tested microservices. He will discuss the challenges and their solutions for dynamic environments, dynamic SLIs and SLOs and dynamic work loads. Join this User Group as the goal is to not only hear from Sumit but also engage in an active discussion about how Keptn might also help you with your challenges.
Autonomous cloud at Amasol with Keptn
Autonomous cloud at Amasol with Keptn with Patrick Hofmann, Amasol Learn how amasol is using Keptn, GitLab, JMeter & Dynatrace on their way to the autonomous cloud with automated build, deployments & deployment validation with Keptn Quality Gates running in the Azure Cloud.
Automated Quality Gates in Performance Testing with Roman Ferstl
Automated Quality Gates in Performance Testing with Roman FerstlHow do you genuinely integrate your performance testing efforts into your DevOps lifecycle? In this episode, Roman Ferstl will share his experience with creating automated quality gates in performance testing. Discover how to automate time-consuming and repetitive performance engineering tasks. Listen up to find out which tools and techniques to use to get started on your performance testing CI/CD efforts.