Keptn 0.8.2 is a hardening release and incorporates changes that are required to deploy Keptn using Keptn. Besides, the Sequence and Service screens in the Bridge are improved to provide a holistic view of the services on the one hand, and a clear separation of sequentially executed sequences on the other hand.
Key announcements:
🍸 Keptn drinks its own champagne: Each merge on the master (aka. main) branch of the keptn/keptn repository triggers a Keptn to deploy this new version into a development environment. This helps the Keptn project to have the latest and greatest version of Keptn running and to do feature presentations using this deployment.
A GitHub action has been implemented that allows sending a Keptn event to a Keptn installation: gh-action-send-event. Don’t wait to integrate it into your CI on GitHub today!
🔨 Hardening of Keptn: Containers of Keptn core services are not running as root users and a security context has been defined. Please note: Defining the security context for NATS is not possible yet, since we are waiting for a new release containing the PR:
⭐ Service/Sequence screen enhancements: Instead of listing all sequences that were executed on a service, the Service screen now displays the deployments of a service that are currently running in the different stages. Besides, the Sequence screen improved in displaying sequences that are executed sequentially in the same stage.
Many thanks to the community for the enhancements on this release!