Keptn 0.8.3 implements the Keptn Enhancement Proposal #37 for allowing a Keptn user to customize the remediation sequence in the Shipyard. Besides, improvements for the user experience in the Bridge are implemented like setting the Git upstream repository or linking various screens.
Key announcements:
🎉 Customization of auto-remediation sequences: With this release, it is possible to customize the remediation sequences, which take care of resolving an open problem for a service. Therefore, the remediation sequence can be modeled in the Shipyard for a specific stage. Besides, it is possible to let the action-providers run on an execution plane.
⚠️ As part of the upgrade process to Keptn 0.8.3 and for utilizing the auto-remediation feature, please manually add the following sequence to the stage that should have auto-remediation enabled and replace the [STAGE-NAME] by the name of the stage you added it to. Without that sequence, no remediation will be triggered for an open problem! Please find here more information on how to upgrade the remediation use-case here: Update your Shipyard for the Remediation Use-Case
⭐ Length of service name increased to 43 characters: The limitation of the service name length has been loosened to allow a length of 43 characters.
🚀 Support custom deployment URLs: When deploying custom Helm Charts by using the user_managed deployment strategy of the helm-service, it is now possible to define a public and/or local deployment URL. Therefore, the file endpoints.yaml must be uploaded to the helm folder in the configuration repository. This file has to contain the deploymentURIsLocal and/or deploymentURIsPublic. For more details, please see the documentation here.
Many thanks to the community for the enhancements on this release!
Response time degradation in configuration-service when using a Git Upstream (e.g., GitHub) 4066
Response time degradation in lighthouse-service when spamming get-sli-events 4065
Shipyard-controller keeps sending events for tasks with the same name indefinitely 4039
Selection change in heatmap does not always update SLO table - needs second click 4007
Mongodb OOM crash after flooding it with events 3968
keptn upgrade getLatestKeptnRelease returns the wrong version 3841
Inconsistent usage of user-managed and user_managed causing issues 3624
Upgrade to 0.8.3
The upgrade from 0.8.x to 0.8.3 is supported by the keptn upgrade command. Find the documentation here: Upgrade from Keptn 0.8.x to 0.8.3
⚠️ Please consider adding the remediation sequence to a stage for enabling the auto-remediation capabilities of Keptn. The instructions you will find in the upgrade guide: Upgrade from Keptn 0.8.x to 0.8.3