Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see
This documentation is for an older Keptn release. Please consider the newest one when working with the latest Keptn.

Advanced Install Options

Advanced Install Options: Install Keptn using the Helm chart

When executing keptn install, Keptn is installed via a Helm chart, which can also be done using the Helm CLI directly. Therefore, the helm CLI is required to execute of the following command:

  • Install Keptn control-plane (with Continuous Delivery support and exposed on a LoadBalancer):
helm install keptn -n keptn --create-namespace --wait --set=continuous-delivery.enabled=true,control-plane.apiGatewayNginx.type=LoadBalancer
  • Install Keptn execution-plane:
helm install jmeter-service -n keptn --create-namespace --wait

helm install helm-service -n keptn --create-namespace --wait

Note: To continue with Keptn after the installation with Helm, we recommend authenticating the Ketpn CLI as explained here.

As shown above, the helm install or helm upgrade commands offer a flag called --set, which can be used to specify several configuration options using the format key1=value1,key2=value2,....

The following flags are available:

Flag Description Possible Values Default Value
continuous-delivery.enabled Specifies whether the continuous-delivery execution-plane services (e.g., helm-service, jmeter-service) should be installed on the cluster or not true, false false
continuous-delivery.<SERVICE-NAME>.image.repository Allows to specify an alternative repository for the docker image used Container registry URL
control-plane.apiGatewayNginx.type Specifies the Kubernetes service-type for api-gateway-nginx, which can be used to expose the Keptn API NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer ClusterIP
control-plane.prefixPath Allows to set a prefixPath for the api-gateway. This value has to start with a “/” but must not contain a trailing “/” URI, e.g., /mykeptn empty
control-plane.bridge.cliDownloadLink Specifies a download link for the Keptn CLI which is displayed in Keptn Bridge any string/URL null
control-plane.bridge.lookAndFeelUrl Specifies a custom look and feel for Keptn Bridge any URL containing a zip archive null
control-plane.bridge.versionCheck.enabled Specifies whether the automatic version-check in Keptn Bridge should be enabled or not true, false true
control-plane.bridge.showApiToken.enabled Specifies whether the Keptn API Token and the keptn auth command should be shown in Keptn Bridge or not true, false true
control-plane.bridge.secret.enabled Specifies whether the secret used for the basic auth is enabled or not. Please be aware that if this value is set to false, there is no basic authentication for the bridge. true, false true
control-plane.bridge.installationType Specifies which of the use cases are supported in the installation “QUALITY_GATES,CONTINUOUS_OPERATIONS”, “QUALITY_GATES,CONTINUOUS_OPERATIONS,CONTINUOUS_DELIVERY” “QUALITY_GATES,CONTINUOUS_OPERATIONS” Allows to specify the storage-size of the persistent volume used in configuration-service K8s volume storage size (e.g., 500Mi) 100Mi
control-plane.configurationService.storageClass Allows to specify the storage-class of the persistent volume used in configuration-service K8s storage class null
control-plane.<SERVICE-NAME>.image.repository Allows to specify an alternative repository for the docker image Container registry URL
control-plane.mongodb.enabled Allows to not install the default MongoDB instance in Keptn. true,false true If an external MongoDB instance is used, specify the host name of this instance. URL empty
control-plane.mongodb.user If an external MongoDB instance is used, specify the user to access the MongoDB.Keptn any string empty
control-plane.mongodb.password If an external MongoDB instance is used, specify the password to access the MongoDB. any string empty
control-plane.mongodb.adminPassword If an external MongoDB instance is used, specify the admin password to access the MongoDB any string empty
control-plane.ingress.enabled Allows you to Install your own ingress object for Keptn true,false false
control-plane.ingress.annotations If ingress is set to true you can optionally specify any annotations you require any string empty If ingress is set to true you can optionally specify a host any string empty
control-plane.ingress.path If ingress is set to true you can specify a path any string /
control-plane.ingress.pathType If ingress is set to true you can specify a pathType any string Prefix
control-plane.ingress.tls If ingress is set to true you can optionally specify tls config any string empty

Example: Use a LoadBalancer for api-gateway-nginx

helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace --wait --version=0.10.0 --repo= --set=control-plane.apiGatewayNginx.type=LoadBalancer

Example: Install execution plane for Continuous Delivery use-case

For example, the Control Plane with the Execution Plane (for Continuous Delivery) can be installed by the following command:

helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace --wait --version=0.10.0 --repo= --set=continuous-delivery.enabled=true

Example: Install execution plane for Continuous Delivery use-case and use a LoadBalancer for api-gateway-nginx

For example, the Control Plane with the Execution Plane (for Continuous Delivery) and a LoadBalancer for exposing Keptn can be installed by the following command:

helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace --wait --version=0.10.0 --repo= --set=continuous-delivery.enabled=true,control-plane.apiGatewayNginx.type=LoadBalancer

Example: Execute Helm upgrade without Internet connectivity

The following section contains instructions for installing Keptn in an air-gapped / offline installation scenario.

The following artifacts need to be available locally:

  • Keptn Helm Chart (control-plane + helm + jmeter)
  • Several Docker Images (e.g., pushed into a private registry)
  • Helper scripts
  • Keptn CLI (optional, but recommended for future use)

Download Keptn Helm Charts

Download the Helm charts from the Keptn 0.10.0 release:

Move the helm charts to a directory on your local machine, e.g., offline-keptn.

For convenience, the following script creates this directory and downloads the required helm charts into it:

mkdir offline-keptn
cd offline-keptn
curl -L -o keptn-0.10.0.tgz
curl -L -o helm-service-0.10.0.tgz
curl -L -o jmeter-service-0.10.0.tgz
cd ..

Download Containers/Images

Within the Helm Charts several Docker Images are referenced (Keptn specific and some third party dependencies). We recommend to pulling, re-tagging and pushing those images to a local registry that the Kubernetes cluster can reach.

We are providing a helper script for this in our Git repository:

For convenience, you can use the following commands to download and execute the script:

cd offline-keptn
curl -L -o
chmod +x
KEPTN_TAG=0.10.0 ./ "your-registry.localhost:5000/"
cd ..

Please mind the trailing slash for the registry url (e.g., your-registry.localhost:5000/).


Keptn’s Helm chart allows you to specify the name of all images, which can be especially handy in air-gapped systems where you cannot access DockerHub for pulling the images.

We are providing a helper script for this in our Git repository:

For convenience, you can use the following commands to download and execute the script:

cd offline-keptn
curl -L -o
chmod +x
./ "your-registry.localhost:5000/" keptn-0.10.0.tgz helm-service-0.10.0.tgz jmeter-service-0.10.0.tgz
cd ..

Install Keptn using a Root-Context

The Helm chart allows customizing the root-context for the Keptn API and Bridge. By default, the Keptn API is located under http://HOSTNAME/api and the Keptn Bridge is located under http://HOSTNAME/bridge. By specifying a value for control-plane.prefixPath, the used prefix for the root-context can be configured. For example, if a user sets control-plane.prefixPath=/mykeptn in the Helm install/upgrade command, the Keptn API is located under http://HOSTNAME/mykeptn/api and the Keptn Bridge is located under http://HOSTNAME/mykeptn/bridge:

helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace --wait --version=0.10.0 --repo= --set=control-plane.apiGatewayNginx.type=LoadBalancer,continuous-delivery.enabled=true,control-plane.prefixPath=/mykeptn

Example: Install Keptn with externally hosted MongoDB

If you want to use an externally hosted MongoDB instead of the MongoDB installed by Keptn, please use the helm upgrade command as shown below. Basically, provide the MongoDB host, user, and password as required for the connection string.

helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace

Example: Install Keptn with an ingress object

If you are already using an Ingress-Controller and want to create an ingress object for Keptn, you can leverage the ingress section of the helm chart. By default enabled is set to false.

The Helm chart allows customizing the ingress object to your needs. When enabled is set the true, the chart allows you to specify optional parameters of host, path, pathType, tls, and annotations. This will cater for alot of different Ingress-Controllers and configurations.

helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace