Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see
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Webhook Integration

Learn how to integrate external tooling using Webhooks

Jenkins Integration

Example to integrate Jenkins using Webhooks

Slack Integration

Example to integrate Slack using Webhooks

Keptn has a built-in capability to integrate your webhooks into the sequence orchestration of Keptn. This lets you call custom HTTP endpoints when running a delivery or remediation sequence that triggers a certain task. By using this integration, you can easily send the state of a task to a third-party tool or service. This allows you to integrate various tools such as testing services, existing CI/CD pipelines, and incident management services.

Create a Webhook integration

Webhooks are created at a Task level and can be triggered by the following event types:

Event types Description
Task triggered The task has been triggered but is not yet running.
Task started The task has begun running.
Task finished The task has finished.

To create a webhook integration, open Keptn Bridge, select a project, and go to the Uniform page. Then select webhook-service, and click the Add subscription button.

Add task subscription for webhook-service

In this form, provide the information for the task subscription and webhook configuration:

Form to create subscription and webhook configuration


  • Task: The task the webhook should be fired on (e.g., test or deployment)
  • Task suffix: The state of the task when the webhook should be fired; select one of: triggered, started, of finished
  • Filter: To restrict the webhook to certain stages and services you can specify those using filters.

Webhook configuration:

  • Request method: Choose the request method; select one of: GET, POST or PUT.
  • URL: The endpoint URL is where the webhook will send the request.
  • Custom headers: You can use the custom headers field to add HTTP headers to the request, such as unique identifiers or authentication credentials.
  • Custom payload: Modify the payload to match the format requested by the receiving endpoint. (more details provided below)
  • Proxy: If required, you can specify a proxy the request has to go through.

Click Create subscription to save and enable the webhook for your integration.

Customize request payload

The output format of the webhook (i.e., the payload of the request body) can be customized using event data to match the required input format of the tool you are integrating with. Therefore, you can reference the data field (event property) using Go templating. For example, if you would like to get the value of the project property from the subscribed event, type in: {{.data.project}}. A look at the example event can help to identify the proper data field.

An example of a customized request payload:

  "text": "Evaluation in {{.data.stage}} finished with result {{.data.evaluation.result}} and score {{.data.evaluation.score}}."

Based on the Go templating capabilities, you can:

  • Define conditions: "{{if .fieldName}}{{.fieldName}}{{ else }}No field name set{{ end }}"
  • Access an array element: "{{ index .articles.Content 0 }}"

An example of a customized request payload using a condition on an array element:

  "deploymentURL": "{{if index .data.deployment.deploymentURIsPublic 0}}{{index .data.deployment.deploymentURIsPublic 0}}{{else}}No deployment URL provided{{end}}"

For a more convenient way, a feature is planned where you can put your cursor in the text field at the spot where you would like to customize the payload. Then click the computer icon that opens a list of data fields you can add to the payload. This list of data fields is derived from the event your webhook is subscribed to.

Select event data to customize the request payload

Include sensitive data

When integrating tools by calling their endpoints, many times authentication is needed. This is done by storing an authentication token that is part of the webhook request. In Keptn, you do this as follows:

  • Create a secret with a unique name, secret scope set to keptn-webhook-service, and a key:value pair whereas the key is a unique identifier of your secret and the value holds the sensitive data.

    Create a secret for webhook-service

  • When configuring your webhook, you can reference the sensitive data as part of the URL, Custom header, and in the Custom payload. Therefore, click the key icon that opens the list of available secrets. Select your secret and specify the key that refers to the sensitive data you would like to include at this point.

    Usage of secrets to customize request

    The key-value pair will be automatically inserted into the selected field in the format {{}}.

When the webhook configuration is saved, the secret will be parsed into a different format, which looks like this: {{.env.secret_name_key}}. This format represents a unique name that is a referrer to an entry in the envFrom property in the webhook.yaml file. This envFrom property contains added secrets with a referrer name, the given secret name, and secret key.

kind: WebhookConfig
  name: webhook-configuration
    - type: sh.keptn.event.deployment.started
        - name: secret_api_token
            name: api
            key: api-token
        - "curl --request POST{{.env.secret_api_token}}"

Advanced Webhook configuration

Prerequisite: This requires access to the upstream Git repo in order to modify the webhook configuration files.

For more advanced configuration options, you can modify the raw request declared as curl command. Therefore, you need to access the webhook.yaml config file in the Git repo you set for an upstream. In this Git repo, you find the webhook.yaml file based on the filters you selected on the task subscription, e.g., if a filter is set for stage production, go to the production branch.

Example of a webhook.yaml containing a webhook request declared as curl command:

kind: WebhookConfig
  name: webhook-configuration
    - type: sh.keptn.event.evaluation.finished
        - "curl --request POST --data '{\"text\":\"Evaluation {{.data.evaluation.result}} with a score of {{.data.evaluation.score}} \"}'
  • You can customize the curl depending on your needs.

  • Note: Adding a webhook by just extending this file is not supported, since the subscription to the event type is still missing.

Configure Webhook to not auto-respond with a finished event

If you subscribe your webhook to an event of type triggered, Keptn automatically sends a started event, executes the webhook request via curl, and automatically generates a finished event.

In certain cases, you do want to have more control about this behaviour, e.g., to run a long-running test on Jenkins, and let the receiving tool (in this case Jenkins) decide when to send the finished event.

To achieve this, you need to edit your webhook configuration as follows:

  • Configure the webhook to not send the finished event by setting the flag sendFinished to false:
kind: WebhookConfig
  name: webhook-configuration
    - type: sh.keptn.event.test.triggered
      sendFinished: false 
        - "curl --request POST'
  • In addition, you will need to pass the following data in order for the receiving tool to properly respond with a finished event:
    • {{.id}} - required in the triggeredid attribute of the finished event
    • {{.shkeptncontext}} - required in the shkeptncontext attribute of the finished event
    • Optional, but depends on your implementation: {{.data.project}}, {{.data.service}}, {{.data.stage}}

Note: Those fields can be either passed within the Data block, or as query params in the URL, depending on the receiving tools configuration.

  • Finally, since no finished event is sent by Keptn, it is required to configure the receiving tool to send a finished event to the /v1/event endpoint of the Keptn API.

Delete a Webhook integration

To delete a webhook integration, click on the trash can icon next to the subscription. Note that deleting a webhook is permanent and cannot be reversed. Once deleted, Keptn will no longer send requests to the endpoint.

Delete a webhook

Note: Deleting a webhook means that the subscription in Uniform is deleted, as well as the webhook configuration file within the Git repo.