Home / Keptn v1 Docs / Release 0.13.x / Reference / Keptn Bridge / Basic Authentication
The Keptn Bridge has a basic authentication feature, which can be controlled by setting the following two environment variables in the deployment of the bridge:
- passwordBasic authentication is enabled when executing the below command. The bridge-credentials
secret can be configured with your username and password.
These two variables are used to set your credentials: BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME
kubectl edit secrets -n keptn bridge-credentials
apiVersion: v1
BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD: myUserNameBase64Encoded=
BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME: myPasswordBase64Encoded=
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2021-08-24T11:15:59Z"
name: bridge-credentials
namespace: keptn
resourceVersion: "23676055"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/keptn/secrets/bridge-credentials
uid: 67cfe5c1-5555-427c-9c4a-e91c51b7e8ba
type: Opaque
Restart the pod of the Keptn Bridge by executing:
kubectl -n keptn rollout restart deployment bridge
To disable the basic authentication, delete the secret by executing:
kubectl -n keptn delete secret bridge-credentials
Restart the pod of the Keptn Bridge by executing:
kubectl -n keptn rollout restart deployment bridge