Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see


Depending on the monitoring solution you have in place and the SLIs you have configured for your services, you need to deploy the corresponding SLI-provider. In Keptn 0.16.x, this can be either Dynatrace, Prometheus, or Datadog.

Dynatrace SLI-Provider

  • Complete steps from section Install Dynatrace Keptn integration.

  • To configure Keptn to use Dynatrace SLIs for your project (e.g. musicshop), execute the following command:

    keptn configure monitoring dynatrace --project=musicshop
  • Configure custom Dynatrace SLIs as explained here.

Prometheus SLI-Provider

  • Complete steps from section Set Up Prometheus SLI-provider.

  • To configure Keptn to use the Prometheus SLI-provider for your project (e.g. musicshop), execute the following command:

    keptn configure monitoring prometheus --project=musicshop --service=catalogue
  • Configure custom SLIs for the Prometheus SLI-provider as explained here.

Datadog SLI-Provider

Please, refer to the documentation of the SLI-Provider.

Add custom SLI-Provider

  • To create and add your custom SLI-provider to Keptn, please follow the instructions here.