Home / Keptn v1 Docs / Release 0.17.x / Reference / Keptn CLI / Commands / keptn delete project
Deletes a project identified by project name
Deletes a project identified by project name.
keptn delete project PROJECTNAME [flags]
keptn delete project sockshop
--keep-services Indicate whether the helm releases that are part of the project should be deleted as well, or not
--config-file string Specify custom Keptn Config file path (default: ~/.keptn/config)
-h, --help help
--mock Disables communication to a Keptn endpoint
-n, --namespace string Specify the namespace where Keptn should be installed, used and uninstalled (default "keptn")
-q, --quiet Suppresses debug and info messages
-v, --verbose Enables verbose logging to print debug messages
-y, --yes Assume yes for all user prompts