Home / Keptn v1 Docs / Release 0.17.x / Reference / Keptn CLI / Commands / keptn install
Installs Keptn on a Kubernetes cluster
The Keptn CLI allows installing Keptn on any Kubernetes derivative to which your kube config is pointing to, and on OpenShift.
For more information, please follow the installation guide Install Keptn
keptn install [flags]
keptn install # install on Kubernetes
keptn install --platform=openshift --use-case=continuous-delivery # install continuous delivery on OpenShift
keptn install --platform=kubernetes --endpoint-service-type=NodePort # install on Kubernetes with gateway NodePort
keptn install --hide-sensitive-data # install on Kubernetes and hides sensitive data like api-token and endpoint in post-installation output
-c, --creds string Specify a JSON file containing cluster information needed for the installation. This allows skipping user prompts to execute a *silent* Keptn installation.
--endpoint-service-type string Installation options for the endpoint-service type [ClusterIP,LoadBalancer,NodePort] (default "ClusterIP")
--hide-sensitive-data Hide the sensitive data like api-tokens and endpoints in post-installation output.
-s, --insecure-skip-tls-verify Skip tls verification for kubectl commands
-p, --platform string The platform to run Keptn on [kubernetes,openshift] (default "kubernetes")
-u, --use-case string Use --use-case=continuous-delivery to install the execution plane for continuous delivery. Without this flag, your Keptn is capable of the quality gate and automated remediations use-case.
--config-file string Specify custom Keptn Config file path (default: ~/.keptn/config)
-h, --help help
--mock Disables communication to a Keptn endpoint
-n, --namespace string Specify the namespace where Keptn should be installed, used and uninstalled in (default "keptn")
-q, --quiet Suppresses debug and info messages
-v, --verbose Enables verbose logging to print debug messages
-y, --yes Assume yes for all user prompts