Home / Keptn v1 Docs / Release 0.17.x / Reference / Keptn CLI / Commands / keptn trigger delivery
Triggers the delivery of a new artifact for a service in a project
Triggers the delivery of a new artifact for a service in a project. An “artifact” is the name of a Docker image which can be located at any Docker registry (e.g., DockerHub or Quay). The new artifact is pushed in the first stage specified in the Shipyard of the project. Afterwards, Keptn takes care of deploying the artifact to the other stages as well.
Note: The value provided in the –image flag has to contain the full qualified image name (incl. docker registry). The only exception is “docker.io”, as this is the default in Kubernetes. For pulling an image from a private registry, we would like to refer to the Kubernetes documentation (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/).
keptn trigger delivery [flags]
keptn trigger delivery --project=<project> --service=<service> --image=<image[:tag]> [--sequence=<sequence>]
--image string The image name, e.g.
"docker.io/<YOUR_ORG>/<YOUR_IMAGE> or quay.io/<YOUR_ORG>/<YOUR_IMAGE>
"Optionally, you can append a tag using ":<YOUR_TAG>. If no tag is provided, "latest" will be used per default
-l, --labels stringToString Additional labels to be included in the event (default [])
-o, --output string Output format for the --watch flag. One of: json|yaml
--project string The project containing the service for which the new artifact will be delivered
--sequence string The name of the sequence to be triggered (default "delivery")
--service string The service which for which the new artifact will be delivered
--stage string The stage containing the service for which a new artifact will be delivered
--values strings Values to use for the new artifact to be delivered
-w, --watch Print event stream
--watch-time int Timeout (in seconds) used for the --watch flag (default 2147483647)
--config-file string Specify custom Keptn Config file path (default: ~/.keptn/config)
-h, --help help
--mock Disables communication to a Keptn endpoint
-n, --namespace string Specify the namespace where Keptn should be installed, used and uninstalled (default "keptn")
-q, --quiet Suppresses debug and info messages
-v, --verbose Enables verbose logging to print debug messages
-y, --yes Assume yes for all user prompts