Home / Keptn v1 Docs / Release 0.18.x / Reference / Configurations / sli
The sli.yaml file contains definitions of the Service-Level Indicators (SLIs) defined for your Keptn installation. The SLI definition maps a query provided for the observability platform you are using as a data source to a metric value that Keptn uses.
Each SLI is a defined quantitative measure of some aspects of the service level. The query for an SLI is provider/tool-dependent; therefore, each SLI-provider relies on a specific SLI configuration.
Provider-specific SLIs are discussed in the documentation for the integrations of each monitoring platform:
You can also create and add your custom SLI-provider to Keptn. Follow the instructions Custom SLI-Provider.
The SLI configuration contains a list of indicators, each of which always consists of a name and the provider-specific query.
.You must add the SLI the Keptn service for your monitoring platform to your service, stage, or project.
Important: In the following commands,
the value of the resourceUri
must specify the SLI-provider
that can fetch the declared SLIs.
For Dynatrace, the value of the resourceUri
must be: dynatrace/sli.yaml
To add an SLI configuration to a service, use the keptn add-resource command:
keptn add-resource --project=sockshop --stage=staging --service=carts --resource=sli-config.yaml --resourceUri=dynatrace/sli.yaml
To add an SLI configuration to a stage, use the keptn add-resource command:
keptn add-resource --project=sockshop --stage=staging --resource=sli-config.yaml --resourceUri=dynatrace/sli.yaml
Note: This SLI configuration is applied for all services in this stage.
To add an SLI configuration to a project, use the keptn add-resource command:
keptn add-resource --project=sockshop --resource=sli-config.yaml --resourceUri=dynatrace/sli.yaml
Note: This SLI configuration is applied for all services in all stages of this project.
Example of multiple SLI configurations:
Let’s assume, we add the following SLI configurations to a project, stage, and service:
spec_version: "1.0"
throughput: "query A-1"
error_rate: "query B-1"
response_time_p95: "query C-1"
spec_version: "1.0"
response_time_p95: "query C-2"
response_time_p99: "query D-2"
spec_version: "1.0"
response_time_p99: "query D-3"
sql-statements: "query E-3"
If an evaluation of a service gets triggered, the following SLI configuration is used:
spec_version: "1.0"
throughput: "query A-1" # SLI from project level
error_rate: "query B-1" # SLI from project-level
response_time_p95: "query C-2" # SLI from stage-level overrides SLI from project-level
response_time_p99: "query D-3" # SLI from service-level overrides SLI from stage-level
sql-statements: "query E-3" # SLI from service-level