Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see

Back up and restore Keptn

To secure all your data in your project’s Git repository, as well as all events that have occurred for these projects, you must back up the data within the Configuration Service (if used), the MongoDB, and credentials to your project’s Git upstream repos. The following sections describe how to back up that data and how to restore it.

Note: These instructions do not cover backing up any Helm- or Istio-related configurations.

⚠️ Please make sure your kubectl is connected to the cluster where Keptn is running.

Back up Keptn with Configuration Service

This section describes how to back up your Keptn and store it on your local machine.

Back up Configuration Service

First, create a local backup directory containing all data within the Git repos of the configuration-service. To do so, please execute the following command:

mkdir keptn-backup
cd keptn-backup
mkdir config-svc-backup
CONFIG_SERVICE_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n keptn -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl cp keptn/$CONFIG_SERVICE_POD:/data ./config-svc-backup/ -c configuration-service

Verify that the data has been copied correctly to your local machine by checking the content of the directory you just created. This should include all projects you have onboarded with Keptn and a lost+found directory, which can be ignored.

$ ls config-svc-backup/config
lost+found	sockshop my-project

Back up Mongodb Data

The next step is to create a backup of the mongodb database in the keptn-datastore namespace using the mongodump tool.`

Create a directory for the MongoDB backup:

mkdir mongodb-backup
chmod o+w mongodb-backup

Copy the data from the MongoDB to your local directory:

MONGODB_ROOT_USER=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-credentials -n keptn -ojsonpath={.data.mongodb-root-user} | base64 -d)
MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-credentials -n keptn -ojsonpath={.data.mongodb-root-password} | base64 --decode)

kubectl exec svc/keptn-mongo -n keptn -- mongodump --authenticationDatabase admin --username $MONGODB_ROOT_USER --password $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD -d keptn -h localhost --out=/tmp/dump

MONGODB_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n keptn -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl cp keptn/$MONGODB_POD:/tmp/dump ./mongodb-backup/ -c mongodb

Back up Git credentials

For projects where you have configured a Git upstream repository, you should back up the Kubernetes secrets needed to access those. To do so, please execute the following command for each project for which you have configured an upstream repo:

kubectl get secret -n keptn git-credentials-$PROJECT_NAME -oyaml > $PROJECT_NAME-credentials.yaml

Back up Keptn with Configuration Service and moving to Resource Service

This section describes how to

  • Back up your Keptn installation which is using the Configuration Service
  • Update Keptn to a newer version which is using the Resource Service
  • Restore your data

Add remote git upstream repository to each project

Each project must have a remote Git-based upstream repository repository configured to ensure that you do not lose your data. You do not need to create an extra backup of the Configuration Service. If your installation is running an older version of Keptn that does not have a remote git upstream repository configured, you can use the keptn update project command of Keptn CLI to add it. An example of the command:

keptn update project PROJECTNAME --git-user=GIT_USER --git-token=GIT_TOKEN --git-remote-url=GIT_REMOTE_URL

To list advanced options regading updating the project use the command bellow for more information:

keptn update project --help

Back up Mongodb Data

The next step is to create a backup of the mongodb database in the keptn-datastore namespace using the mongodump tool.`

Create a directory for the MongoDB backup:

mkdir mongodb-backup
chmod o+w mongodb-backup

Copy the data from the MongoDB to your local directory:

MONGODB_ROOT_USER=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-credentials -n keptn -ojsonpath={.data.mongodb-root-user} | base64 -d)
MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-credentials -n keptn -ojsonpath={.data.mongodb-root-password} | base64 --decode)

kubectl exec svc/keptn-mongo -n keptn -- mongodump --authenticationDatabase admin --username $MONGODB_ROOT_USER --password $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD -d keptn -h localhost --out=/tmp/dump

MONGODB_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n keptn -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl cp keptn/$MONGODB_POD:/tmp/dump ./mongodb-backup/ -c mongodb

Back up Git credentials

For storing Git credentials, please execute the following command for each project for which you have configured an upstream repo:

kubectl get secret -n keptn git-credentials-$PROJECT_NAME -oyaml > $PROJECT_NAME-credentials.yaml

Back up Keptn with Resource Service

There is no need to create an extra backup of the Resource Service as all the data are stored in remote git upstream repository and will be automatically synchronized to the Keptn instance after the MongoDB data and Git credentials are restored.

Back up Mongodb Data

The next step is to create a backup of the mongodb database in the keptn-datastore namespace using the mongodump tool.`

Create a directory for the MongoDB backup:

mkdir mongodb-backup
chmod o+w mongodb-backup

Copy the data from the MongoDB to your local directory:

MONGODB_ROOT_USER=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-credentials -n keptn -ojsonpath={.data.mongodb-root-user} | base64 -d)
MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-credentials -n keptn -ojsonpath={.data.mongodb-root-password} | base64 --decode)

kubectl exec svc/keptn-mongo -n keptn -- mongodump --authenticationDatabase admin --username $MONGODB_ROOT_USER --password $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD -d keptn -h localhost --out=/tmp/dump

MONGODB_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n keptn -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl cp keptn/$MONGODB_POD:/tmp/dump ./mongodb-backup/ -c mongodb

Back up Git credentials

For storing Git credentials, please execute the following command for each project for which you have configured an upstream repo:

kubectl get secret -n keptn git-credentials-$PROJECT_NAME -oyaml > $PROJECT_NAME-credentials.yaml

Restore Keptn

This section describes how to restore data from your Keptn projects on a fresh Keptn installation using the data you have stored on your machine using the instructions above.

If using Resource Service, please skip the Restore Configuration Service step.

Restore Configuration Service

Copy the directory containing all Git repositories to the configuration-service:

CONFIG_SERVICE_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n keptn -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl cp ./config-svc-backup/config/ keptn/$CONFIG_SERVICE_POD:/data -c configuration-service

To make sure the Git repositories within the configuration service are in a consistent state, they need to be reset to the current HEAD. To do so, please execute the following commands:

cat <<EOT >>

cd /data/config/
for FILE in *; do
    if [ -d "\$FILE" ]; then
        cd "\$FILE"
        git reset --hard
        cd ..

CONFIG_SERVICE_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n keptn -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl cp ./ keptn/$CONFIG_SERVICE_POD:/data/config -c configuration-service
kubectl exec -n keptn $CONFIG_SERVICE_POD -c configuration-service -- chmod +x -R ./data/config/
kubectl exec -n keptn $CONFIG_SERVICE_POD -c configuration-service -- ./data/config/

Restore MongoDB data

Copy the content of the mongodb-backup directory you have created earlier into the pod running the MongoDB:

MONGODB_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n keptn -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl cp ./mongodb-backup/ keptn/$MONGODB_POD:/tmp/dump -c mongodb

Import the MongoDB dump into the database using the following command:

MONGODB_ROOT_USER=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-credentials -n keptn -ojsonpath={.data.mongodb-root-user} | base64 -d)
MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-credentials -n keptn -ojsonpath={.data.mongodb-root-password} | base64 -d)
kubectl exec svc/keptn-mongo -n keptn -- mongorestore --drop --preserveUUID --authenticationDatabase admin --username $MONGODB_ROOT_USER --password $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD /tmp/dump

Restore Git credentials

To re-establish the communication between the configuration-service and your projects’ upstream repositories, restore the Kubernetes secrets you have previously stored in the keptn-backup directory , using kubectl apply:

kubectl apply -f $PROJECT_NAME-credentials.yaml

After executing these steps, your projects and all events should be visible in the Keptn Bridge again.

Restore Configuration Service data to Keptn using Resource Service

This section describes how to restore an ancient data backup of the Configuration Service and apply it to a Keptn instance running a Resource Service. This can be applied only to projects which do not have a remote git upstream repository configured. The pre-requisites for these steps is to have the MongoDB data restored already.

The first step is to setup a remote git repository (e.g. on Github, Gitlab,…) for your project. Afterwards go to the project folder of your backup and execute:

git remote add origin <your-git-repository-url>
git fetch origin
git push --all --force

The second step is to configure the remote git repository for your project. You can do it via Bridge UI or Keptn CLI with the command:

keptn update project PROJECTNAME --git-user=GIT_USER --git-token=GIT_TOKEN --git-remote-url=GIT_REMOTE_URL

After executing these steps, your project resources should be automatically fetched from the configured remote git repository and present in your local project repository folder.