Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see
This documentation is for an older Keptn release. Please consider the newest one when working with the latest Keptn.

Migrate existing Keptn integration

This guide will provide information for migrating an existing Keptn 0.7.x service to a Keptn 0.8.x service based on our Go package keptn/go-utils as well as our keptn-service-template-go. If you are using a different framework/programming language, please try to apply the changes described as best as you can.


Note: If you are using the latest version of go-utils (v0.8.0 at the time of writing), this is handled automatically for you in our new helper functions (see below).

With Keptn 0.8.x, we have upgraded to CloudEvents spec 1.0. Please upgrade your relevant CloudEvents and set "specversion": "1.0" where adequate, e.g.:

  "type": "",
  "specversion": "1.0",

Also, don’t forget to update the respective CloudEvents SDK/package.

Keptn CloudEvents

Note: Most of the following is automatically handled if you are using the latest version of go-utils.

In addition to CloudEvents itself, Keptn is shipping a whole new spec for Keptn specific CloudEvents (see for current version).

The most important changes are:

  • We have streamlined the naming of all types, e.g., they now all start with sh.keptn.event. (used to be for some older events)
  • We are making sure that CloudEvents always refer to something that has happened in the past (e.g,. deployment.finished)
  • A CloudEvent is defined by its “type” (e.g., deployment, test, evaluation, get-sli) and its status: .triggered, .started, .status.changed and .finished (e.g., deployment.finished, test.triggered, …)
  • CloudEvents Spec 1.0 is used (instead 0.2)
  • Keptn Spec version is added to each cloudevent, e.g., "shkeptnspecversion": "0.2.0"
  • When a Keptn-service reacts on a .triggered event, it is expected to respond with a .started event, and eventually a .finished event.
  • CloudEvents .started, .status.changed and .finished require a triggeredid in the CloudEvents extension
  • Most important change: Keptn-services should now only react when they retrieve a .triggered event (they should no longer listen to events like deployment-finished or tests-finished to do what they need to do)

To make the migration easier, here is a table that maps 0.7.x CloudEvents with 0.8.x CloudEvents depending on the use case:

Description / Use case Keptn 0.7.x Keptn 0.8.x
A configuration-change was triggered (e.g., via CLI) sh.keptn.event.configuration.change sh.keptn.event.${STAGE}.${SEQUENCE}.triggered, e.g.,
A deployment has started - sh.keptn.event.deployment.started
A deployment has finished, notify another service (e.g. slack) about it sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished
A deployment has finished, start tests sh.keptn.event.test.triggered
Tests have started - sh.keptn.event.test.started
Tests have finished, notify another service (e.g., slack) about it sh.keptn.event.test.finished
Tests have finished, start evaluation sh.keptn.event.evaluation.triggered
An evaluation is manually triggered (e.g., via CLI) sh.keptn.event.start-evaluation sh.keptn.event.evaluation.triggered
Evaluation has started - sh.keptn.event.evaluation.started
Evaluation has finished, do next step or alike sh.keptn.event.evaluation.finished
Invalidate evaluation sh.keptn.event.evaluation.invalidated
Start retrieving SLIs (known as internal Get-SLI event) sh.keptn.internal.event.get-sli sh.keptn.event.get-sli.triggered
Retrieving SLIs has started - sh.keptn.event.get-sli.started
Retrieving SLIs has finished sh.keptn.internal.event.get-sli.done sh.keptn.event.get-sli.finished
Trigger an approval sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered
Approval has started - sh.keptn.event.approval.started
Approval has finished sh.keptn.event.approval.finished sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
Remedation triggered sh.keptn.event.remediation.triggered sh.keptn.event.remediation.triggered
Remediation started sh.keptn.event.remediation.started sh.keptn.event.remediation.started
Remediation status changed sh.keptn.event.remediation.status.changed sh.keptn.event.remediation.status.changed
Remediation finished sh.keptn.event.remediation.finished sh.keptn.event.remediation.finished
(Remediation) Action triggered sh.keptn.event.action.triggered sh.keptn.event.action.triggered
(Remediation) Action started sh.keptn.event.action.started sh.keptn.event.action.started
(Remediation) Action finished sh.keptn.event.action.finished sh.keptn.event.action.finished
Configure Monitoring sh.keptn.event.monitoring.configure sh.keptn.event.configure-monitoring (pending changes)
Configure Monitoring Finished - sh.keptn.event.configure-monitoring.finished
Project was created sh.keptn.internal.event.project.create Ongoing discussion
Project was deleted sh.keptn.internal.event.project.delete Ongoing discussion
Service was created sh.keptn.internal.event.service.create Ongoing discussion
Service was deleted sh.keptn.internal.event.service.delete Ongoing discussion

Please note, that even if the name stayed the same, the payloads might have changed. You will need to consult the respective CloudEvents doc, e.g.,

Workflow Changes (Shipyard)

As already described above, we have significantly changed the way Keptn executes a sequence e.g. for continuous-delivery. Therefore we are providing some more guidance on how the workflow has changed in certain scenarios below.

Workflow Change Example: helm-service

In Keptn 0.7.x we relied on a configuration-changed event to start deployments:

sh.keptn.event.configuration.change (e.g., sent via Keptn CLI)
  -> helm-service creates a helm-release and upgrades it on the Kubernetes Cluster
    -> helm-service sends

In Keptn 0.8.x this has significantly changed, as we introduced specific .triggered, .started, .finished events for this:

sh.keptn.event.deployment.triggered (sent by shipyard-controller)
  -> helm-service reacts
    -> helm-service sends sh.keptn.event.deployment.started
      -> helm-service creates a helm-release and upgrades it on the Kubernetes Cluster
        -> helm-service sends sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished (result: pass/fail)

Workflow Change Example: jmeter-service

In Keptn 0.7.x we relied on a deployment-finished event to start tests: (e.g., sent by helm-service)
  -> jmeter-service executes tests
    -> jmeter-service sends (result: pass/fail)

In Keptn 0.8.x this has significantly changed, as we introduced specific .triggered, .started, .finished events for this:

sh.keptn.event.test.triggered (sent by shipyard-controller)
  -> jmeter-service reacts
    -> jmeter-service sends sh.keptn.event.test.started
      -> jmeter-service executes tests
        -> jmeter-service sends (result: pass/fail)

Workflow Change Example: SLI Provider

In Keptn 0.7.x we relied on internal get-sli event to fetch SLIs:

sh.keptn.internal.event.get-sli (e.g., sent by lighthouse-service)
  -> SLI provider (e.g., prometheus-sli-service) starts fetching values from monitoring tool
    -> SLI Provider (e.g., prometheus-sli-service) sends sh.keptn.internal.event.get-sli.done

In Keptn 0.8.x we have slightly adapted this behaviour, and enhanced it with specific .triggered, .started, .finished events for this:

sh.keptn.event.get-sli.triggered (e.g., sent by lighthouse-service)
  -> SLI provider (e.g., prometheus-sli-service) reacts
    -> SLI provider (e.g., prometheus-sli-service) sends sh.keptn.event.get-sli.started
      -> SLI provider (e.g., prometheus-sli-service) starts fetching values from monitoring tool
        -> SLI Provider (e.g., prometheus-sli-service) sends sh.keptn.event.get-sli.finished


Note: This is based on

If you have been using go-utils without our keptn-service-template-go, please upgrade go-utils manually using

go get
go mod tidy

There are many breaking changes introduced, most notably:

  • Using new Keptn Spec 0.2.0 from instead of
  • Using CloudEvents instead of
  • All Keptn CloudEvents have appropriate constants and structs in
  • Processing Keptn CloudEvents requires sending a .started and .finished CloudEvent with triggeredid set to the original event id
  • Keptn CloudEvents Payload has been adapted to spec 0.2.0
  • Fetching (required) resources (and sending the required .finished CloudEvent)
  • EventBroker was removed from configuration

What does this mean for your code?

Using pkg/lib/v0_2_0 instead of pkg/lib

Previously, you might have had the following import in your Go Code:

import (
    keptn ""

Change this to:

import (
    keptnv2 ""

If you want to have both, we recommend using it like this:

import (
    keptn ""
    keptn ""
    keptnv2 ""

Make sure to adapt all occurrences where you used keptn. (e.g., keptn.Keptn and keptn.NewKeptn) accordingly, e.g.:

myKeptn, err := keptn.NewKeptn(&event, keptnOptions)

should now be

myKeptn, err := keptnv2.NewKeptn(&event, keptnOptions)

Also, for functions, you should change it accordingly, e.g.:

func HandleGetSLIEvent(myKeptn *keptn.Keptn, incomingEvent cloudevents.Event, data *keptn.InternalGetSLIEventData) error {

should be adapted to

func HandleGetSLIEvent(myKeptn *keptnv2.Keptn, incomingEvent cloudevents.Event, data *keptnv2.GetSLITriggeredEventData) error {

Add ServiceName in main.go

As a best practice, it’s good to have serviceName in a const:

// ServiceName specifies the current services name (e.g., used as source when sending CloudEvents)
const ServiceName = "your-service-name"

Using CloudEvents

This change is required to be compatible with the latest Keptn CloudEvents spec. All you need to do is replace your imports, e.g.:

import (

should be replaced with

import (
 	cloudevents "" // make sure to use v2 cloudevents here

All Keptn CloudEvents have appropriate constants and structs

Considering you have imported the updated go-utils and CloudEvents like this

import (

    cloudevents "" // make sure to use v2 cloudevents here
    keptnv2 ""

// ServiceName specifies the current services name (e.g., used as source when sending CloudEvents)
const ServiceName = "keptn-service-template-go"

a series of constants, functions, and structs will be available for processing Keptn CloudEvents, which is demonstrated by the following example:

func parseKeptnCloudEventPayload(event cloudevents.Event, data interface{}) error {
	err := event.DataAs(data)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Got Data Error: %s", err.Error())
		return err
	return nil

func processKeptnCloudEvent(ctx context.Context, event cloudevents.Event) error {
    switch event.Type() {
	// sh.keptn.event.get-sli
	case keptnv2.GetTriggeredEventType(keptnv2.GetSLITaskName): // sh.keptn.event.get-sli.triggered
		log.Printf("Processing Get-SLI.Triggered Event")

		eventData := &keptnv2.GetSLITriggeredEventData{} // Data Structure for Get-SLI Triggered Event
		parseKeptnCloudEventPayload(event, eventData)

		return HandleGetSliTriggeredEvent(myKeptn, event, eventData)

	// sh.keptn.event.deployment
	case keptnv2.GetTriggeredEventType(keptnv2.DeploymentTaskName): // sh.keptn.event.deployment.triggered
		log.Printf("Processing Deployment.Triggered Event")

		eventData := &keptnv2.DeploymentTriggeredEventData{}
		parseKeptnCloudEventPayload(event, eventData)

		return HandleDeploymentTriggeredEvent(myKeptn, event, eventData)
    return nil

func HandleGetSliTriggeredEvent(myKeptn *keptnv2.Keptn, incomingEvent cloudevents.Event, data *keptnv2.GetSLITriggeredEventData) error {
	log.Printf("Handling get-sli.triggered Event: %s", incomingEvent.Context.GetID())
	return nil

func HandleDeploymentTriggeredEvent(myKeptn *keptnv2.Keptn, incomingEvent cloudevents.Event, data *keptnv2.DeploymentTriggeredEventData) error {
	log.Printf("Handling deployment.triggered Event: %s", incomingEvent.Context.GetID())
	return nil

Note: The full source code of those examples is available in our keptn-service-template-go.

Sending CloudEvents

While in keptn/go-utils 0.7.x you had to take care of sending CloudEvents in the correct format, helper functions in keptn/go-utils v0.8.0 hide this complexity now.

For instance, sending a deployment-finished event in 0.7.x looked like this:

	source, _ := url.Parse("helm-service")
	contentType := "application/json"

	var deploymentStrategyOldIdentifier string
	if deploymentStrategy == keptnevents.Duplicate {
		deploymentStrategyOldIdentifier = "blue_green_service"
	} else {
		deploymentStrategyOldIdentifier = "direct"

	depFinishedEvent := keptnevents.DeploymentFinishedEventData{
		Project:            keptnHandler.KeptnBase.Project,
		Stage:              keptnHandler.KeptnBase.Stage,
		Service:            keptnHandler.KeptnBase.Service,
		TestStrategy:       testStrategy,
		DeploymentStrategy: deploymentStrategyOldIdentifier,
		Image:              image,
		Tag:                tag,
		Labels:             labels,
		DeploymentURILocal: [],
    	DeploymentURIPublic: []

	event := cloudevents.Event{
		Context: cloudevents.EventContextV02{
			ID:          uuid.New().String(),
			Time:        &types.Timestamp{Time: time.Now()},
			Type:        keptnevents.DeploymentFinishedEventType,
			Source:      types.URLRef{URL: *source},
			ContentType: &contentType,
			Extensions:  map[string]interface{}{"shkeptncontext": keptnHandler.KeptnContext},
		Data: depFinishedEvent,

	err := keptnHandler.SendCloudEvent(event)

	if err != nil {
        errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to send task finished CloudEvent (%s), aborting...", err.Error())

With 0.8.x it looks like this:

    ServiceName := "helm-service"
	deploymentFinishedEventData := &keptnv2.DeploymentFinishedData{
		DeploymentURIsLocal: ["http://a.b.c.d/foobar"],

	_, err = myKeptn.SendTaskFinishedEvent(deploymentFinishedEventData, ServiceName)

	if err != nil {
		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to send task finished CloudEvent (%s), aborting...", err.Error())

Processing Keptn CloudEvents

Processing Keptn CloudEvents requires sending a .started and .finished CloudEvent with triggeredid set to the original event id.

Continuing on the previous example, if you were to implement the HandleGetSliTriggeredEvent, you are required to send a get-sli.started event when you start, and a get-sli.finished event when you have finished handling (and optionally, there is also a get-sli.status.changed event, if you need/want it).

The following is a shortened example for handling an sh.keptn.event.action.triggered event:

// HandleActionTriggeredEvent handles action.triggered events
// TODO: add in your handler code
func HandleActionTriggeredEvent(myKeptn *keptnv2.Keptn, incomingEvent cloudevents.Event, data *keptnv2.ActionTriggeredEventData) error {
	log.Printf("Handling Action Triggered Event: %s", incomingEvent.Context.GetID())
	log.Printf("Action=%s\n", data.Action.Action)

	// check if action is supported
	if data.Action.Action == "action-xyz" {
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		// 1. Send Action.Started Cloud-Event
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		myKeptn.SendTaskStartedEvent(data, ServiceName)

		// -----------------------------------------------------
		// 2. Implement your remediation action here
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // Example: Wait 5 seconds. Maybe the problem fixes itself.

		// -----------------------------------------------------
		// 3. Send Action.Finished Cloud-Event
		// -----------------------------------------------------
			Status: keptnv2.StatusSucceeded, // alternative: keptnv2.StatusErrored
			Result: keptnv2.ResultPass, // alternative: keptnv2.ResultFailed
			Message: "Successfully slept!",
		}, ServiceName)

	} else {
		log.Printf("Retrieved unknown action %s, skipping...", data.Action.Action)
		return nil
	return nil

The following is a more comprehensive example for an SLI provider that provides dummy values:

// HandleGetSliTriggeredEvent handles get-sli.triggered events if SLIProvider == keptn-service-template-go
// This function acts as an example showing how to handle get-sli events by sending .started and .finished events
// TODO: adapt handler code to your needs
func HandleGetSliTriggeredEvent(myKeptn *keptnv2.Keptn, incomingEvent cloudevents.Event, data *keptnv2.GetSLITriggeredEventData) error {
	log.Printf("Handling get-sli.triggered Event: %s", incomingEvent.Context.GetID())
	// Step 1 - Do we need to do something?
	// Lets make sure we are only processing an event that really belongs to our SLI Provider
	if data.GetSLI.SLIProvider != "keptn-service-template-go" {
		log.Printf("Not handling get-sli event as it is meant for %s", data.GetSLI.SLIProvider)
		return nil

	// Step 2 - Send out a get-sli.started CloudEvent
	// The get-sli.started cloud-event is new since Keptn 0.8.0 and is required to be send when the task is started
	_, err := myKeptn.SendTaskStartedEvent(data, ServiceName)

	if err != nil {
		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to send task started CloudEvent (%s), aborting...", err.Error())
		return err

	// Step 4 - prep-work
	// Get any additional input / configuration data
	// - Labels: get the incoming labels for potential config data and use it to pass more labels on result, e.g: links
	// - SLI.yaml: if your service uses SLI.yaml to store query definitions for SLIs get that file from Keptn
	labels := data.Labels
	if labels == nil {
		labels = make(map[string]string)
	testRunID := labels["testRunId"]

	// Step 5 - get SLI Config File
	// Get SLI File from keptn-service-template-go subdirectory of the config repo - to add the file use:
	//   keptn add-resource --project=PROJECT --stage=STAGE --service=SERVICE --resource=my-sli-config.yaml  --resourceUri=keptn-service-template-go/sli.yaml
	sliFile := "keptn-service-template-go/sli.yaml"
	sliConfigFileContent, err := myKeptn.GetKeptnResource(sliFile)

	// FYI you do not need to "fail" if sli.yaml is missing, you can also assume smart defaults like we do
	// in keptn-contrib/dynatrace-service and keptn-contrib/prometheus-service
	if err != nil {
		// failed to fetch sli config file
		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to fetch SLI file %s from config repo: %s", sliFile, err.Error())
		// send a get-sli.finished event with status=error and result=failed back to Keptn

		_, err = myKeptn.SendTaskFinishedEvent(&keptnv2.EventData{
			Status: keptnv2.StatusErrored,
			Result: keptnv2.ResultFailed,
		}, ServiceName)

		return err


	// Step 6 - do your work - iterate through the list of requested indicators and return their values
	// Indicators: this is the list of indicators as requested in the SLO.yaml
	// SLIResult: this is the array that will receive the results
	indicators := data.GetSLI.Indicators
	sliResults := []*keptnv2.SLIResult{}

	for _, indicatorName := range indicators {
		sliResult := &keptnv2.SLIResult{
			Metric: indicatorName,
			Value:  123.4, // ToDo: Fetch the values from your monitoring tool here
		sliResults = append(sliResults, sliResult)

	// Step 7 - add additional context via labels (e.g., a backlink to the monitoring or CI tool)
	labels["Link to Data Source"] = "https://mydatasource/myquery?testRun=" + testRunID

	// Step 8 - Build get-sli.finished event data
	getSliFinishedEventData := &keptnv2.GetSLIFinishedEventData{
		EventData: keptnv2.EventData{
			Status:  keptnv2.StatusSucceeded,
			Result:  keptnv2.ResultPass,
		GetSLI: keptnv2.GetSLIFinished{
			IndicatorValues: sliResults,
			Start:           data.GetSLI.Start,
			End:             data.GetSLI.End,

	_, err = myKeptn.SendTaskFinishedEvent(getSliFinishedEventData, ServiceName)

	if err != nil {
		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to send task finished CloudEvent (%s), aborting...", err.Error())
		return err

	return nil

Note: The full source code of those examples is available in our keptn-service-template-go.

Fetching (required) resources

Fetching resources using go-utils works as it used to before. What’s new is that you should send a .finished event with status=error and result=failed in case you require the file to continue:

    myKeptn, err := keptnv2.NewKeptn(&event, keptnOptions)
    sliFile := "keptn-service-template-go/sli.yaml"
	sliConfigFileContent, err := myKeptn.GetKeptnResource(sliFile)

	// FYI you do not need to "fail" if sli.yaml is missing, you can also assume smart defaults like we do
	// in keptn-contrib/dynatrace-service and keptn-contrib/prometheus-service
	if err != nil {
		// failed to fetch sli config file
		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to fetch SLI file %s from config repo: %s", sliFile, err.Error())
		// send a get-sli.finished event with status=error and result=failed back to Keptn

		_, err = myKeptn.SendTaskFinishedEvent(&keptnv2.EventData{
			Status: keptnv2.StatusErrored,
			Result: keptnv2.ResultFailed,
		}, ServiceName)

		return err

Eventbroker was removed from configuration

You can safely remove any occurrence of EventBroker (envConfig and keptnOptions).

type envConfig struct {
	// Port on which to listen for cloudevents
	Port int `envconfig:"RCV_PORT" default:"8080"`
	// Path to which cloudevents are sent
	Path string `envconfig:"RCV_PATH" default:"/"`
	// Whether we are running locally (e.g., for testing) or on production
	Env string `envconfig:"ENV" default:"local"`
	// URL of the Keptn configuration service (this is where we can fetch files from the config repo)
	ConfigurationServiceUrl string `envconfig:"CONFIGURATION_SERVICE" default:""`

keptnOptions.ConfigurationServiceURL = env.ConfigurationServiceUrl

Make sure to also remove the environment variable from deploy/service.yaml, e.g.,

            - name: EVENTBROKER
              value: 'http://event-broker.keptn.svc.cluster.local/keptn'
            - name: CONFIGURATION_SERVICE
              value: 'http://configuration-service.keptn.svc.cluster.local:8080'

should become

            - name: CONFIGURATION_SERVICE
              value: 'http://configuration-service.keptn.svc.cluster.local:8080'


The keptn/distributor connects a Keptn-microservice with our message-queue NATS (for external services this is handled via the Keptn API).

For 0.8.0, most notably we have introduced the following changes:

You can also just copy the following code snippet into your Kubernetes manifest to use the distributor:

        - name: distributor
          image: keptn/distributor:0.8.0
              path: /health
              port: 10999
            initialDelaySeconds: 5
            periodSeconds: 5
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - containerPort: 8080
              memory: "16Mi"
              cpu: "25m"
              memory: "32Mi"
              cpu: "50m"
            - name: PUBSUB_URL
              value: 'nats://keptn-nats-cluster'
            - name: PUBSUB_TOPIC
              value: 'sh.keptn.>'
            - name: PUBSUB_RECIPIENT
              value: ''


Note: Depending on the complexity of your service it might be easier to start over from and just modify the relevant event handlers.


Heavy refactoring was done in main.go. If you can, copy the content from If not, here is a short guide on what has changed:

  • Removed EventBrokerUrl in envConfig and in keptnOptions
  • Introduced ServiceName as a const
    // ServiceName specifies the current services name (e.g., used as source when sending CloudEvents)
    const ServiceName = "keptn-service-template-go" // replace with your service name
  • Introduce cloud-event parse function with error handling, to reduce code duplication
     * Parses a Keptn Cloud Event payload (data attribute)
    func parseKeptnCloudEventPayload(event cloudevents.Event, data interface{}) error {
        err := event.DataAs(data)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("Got Data Error: %s", err.Error())
            return err
        return nil
  • Use keptnv2 for most things, e.g.:
    import (
        keptnv2 ""
    myKeptn, err := keptnv2.NewKeptn(&event, keptnOptions)
    switch event.Type() {
        // -------------------------------------------------------
        case keptnv2.GetTriggeredEventType(keptnv2.TestTaskName): // sh.keptn.event.test.triggered
        log.Printf("Processing Test.Triggered Event")
        eventData := &keptnv2.TestTriggeredEventData{}
        parseKeptnCloudEventPayload(event, eventData)
        return HandleTestsTriggered(myKeptn, event, eventData)
  • func _main(…/) uses cloudevents.NewClient to run the http events endpoint
    func _main(args []string, env envConfig) int {
        // configure keptn options
        if env.Env == "local" {
            log.Println("env=local: Running with local filesystem to fetch resources")
            keptnOptions.UseLocalFileSystem = true
        keptnOptions.ConfigurationServiceURL = env.ConfigurationServiceUrl
        ctx := context.Background()
        ctx = cloudevents.WithEncodingStructured(ctx)
        // configure http server to receive cloudevents
        p, err := cloudevents.NewHTTP(cloudevents.WithPath(env.Path), cloudevents.WithPort(env.Port))
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("failed to create client, %v", err)
        c, err := cloudevents.NewClient(p)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("failed to create client, %v", err)
        log.Printf("Starting receiver")
        log.Fatal(c.StartReceiver(ctx, processKeptnCloudEvent))
        return 0


We have introduced a new helper function to log CloudEvents to console:

// GenericLogKeptnCloudEventHandler is a generic handler for Keptn Cloud Events that logs the CloudEvent
func GenericLogKeptnCloudEventHandler(myKeptn *keptnv2.Keptn, incomingEvent cloudevents.Event, data interface{}) error {
	log.Printf("Handling %s Event: %s", incomingEvent.Type(), incomingEvent.Context.GetID())
	log.Printf("CloudEvent %T: %v", data, data)

	return nil

Other than that, please follow the changes detailed above for Keptn CloudEvents, go-utils and distributor.

Changes required for SLI-Provider

The most important changes when migrating an SLI provider from 0.7.x to 0.8.x are:

Please refer to the changes shown above regarding go-utils.

Changes required for action-provider

Prior to 0.8.x, action providers already needed to send sh.keptn.event.action.started and sh.keptn.event.action.finished events.

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of keptn/go-utils to be compatible with Keptn CloudEvents and its structures. Please refer to the changes shown above regarding go-utils.

Breaking changes in API and CLI

In case your integration has been using the CLI or the API, please refer to the official release notes for more details.