Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see

Install Keptn using the Helm chart

Keptn is installed from a Helm chart using the Helm CLI. You must install the Helm CLI before attempting to install Keptn.

You should also install the Keptn CLI before installing Keptn although this is optional. It is possible to do most of what you need to do on modern releases of Keptn without the Keptn CLI but the CLI provides additional functionality that is useful such as uploading SLI and SLO definitions.. If you install the Keptn CLI, you must authenticate it to Keptn after you install Keptn.

Keptn consists of a Control Plane and an Execution Plane.

  • The Control Plane is the minimum set of components that are required to run a Keptn instance and to manage projects, stages, and services; to handle events; and to provide integration points. The control plane orchestrates the task sequences defined in Shipyard but does not actively execute the tasks. The Keptn Control Plane can run with no Execution Plane configured.

    The Control Plane can implement the Quality Gates and Automated Operations features but does not run microservices that integrate other tools with Keptn.

  • The Execution Plane refers to the microservices that integrate other tools with Keptn; see Keptn and other tools. For example, the JMeter test tool and the Job Executor Service execute on the Execution Plane.

See Architecture for more information about the Control Plane and the Execution Plane.

You have the following installation options:

  • Both the Keptn Control Plane and the Execution Plane can be installed on an existing Kubernetes cluster that hosts other software or on a dedicated Keptn Kubernetes cluster.
  • The Control Plane and Execution Plane can also be installed on separate Kubernetes clusters; see Multi-cluster setup for instructions.
  • In a multi-cluster setup, one Keptn Control Plane can support multiple Execution Planes that are installed on different clusters.

Install Control Plane

To install the Control Plane, you must do the following:

  • Define the Keptn chart repository
  • Install Keptn into the keptn namespace on the Kubernetes cluster
  • Expose the API gateway service that controls how Keptn communicates with the internet. See Choose access option for details about all the options that are available and how to install and use them. You can also do this after installation.
  • You may also want to modify the Keptn configuration options. This is discussed more below.

Simple Keptn installation

The following commands provide a basic Keptn installation. This set of commands is useful for creating a basic Keptn installation to use for study or demonstration. It is not adequate for a production Keptn installation.

Watch a video demonstration of this simple installation here.

The following command sequence installs the Keptn control plane and exposes it using port-forwarding:

helm repo add keptn
helm install keptn keptn/keptn -n keptn --create-namespace
kubectl -n keptn port-forward svc/api-gateway-nginx 8080:8080

We use kubectl to forward port 8080 from our local machine to port 8080 on the Keptn API Gateway service in the cluster.

Full Keptn installation

This section gives some sample commands that are appropriate for installing a fully-functional production Keptn instance. They use the following options:

  • --version 1.3.0 – Keptn release to be installed. If you do not specify the release, Helm uses the latest release.

  • --repo= – the location of the Helm chart. You can use this option rather than running the helm repo add command as shown above).

  • apiGatewayNginx.type=<access-option> – this is necessary to access Keptn. <access-option> must be LoadBalancer, NodePort, or ClusterIP. See Choose access options for details.

  • --create-namespace – creates the keptn namespace if it does not already exist.

  • --set=continuousDelivery.enabled=true – install Continuous Delivery support for this Keptn instance.

Use a LoadBalancer for api-gateway-nginx

helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace --wait \
  --version=1.3.0 --repo= \

Install Keptn with an Ingress object

If you are already using an ingress controller and want to create an ingress object for Keptn, you can leverage the ingress section of the Helm chart.

The Helm chart allows customizing the ingress object to your needs. When ingress.enabled is set to true (by default, enabled is set to false), the chart allows you to specify optional parameters of host, path, pathType, tls, and annotations. This supports many different ingress controllers and configurations.

helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace

Confirm Installation

After you issue the helm install command, it takes a couple of minutes for the installation to finish. Use the following command to watch the progress:

kubectl -n keptn get pods

Wait until all the pods in the Keptn namespace are in Running state. before proceeding.

Use the following command to view all the services that are installed in the Keptn namespace:

kubectl -n keptn get services

Troubleshooting the Installation has information that may help if your installation was not successful.

Access the Keptn Bridge

The Keptn Bridge is the graphical user interface you can use to manage and view Keptn projects running in your instance. To access it:

  1. Expose the API Gateway NGINX. This can be done in either of two ways:

    • Set the apiGatewayNginx parameter during installation
    • Issue the following command after installation:
      kubectl -n keptn port-forward svc/api-gateway-nginx 8080:8080
  2. Open a browser window to localhost:8080

  3. Log into the Keptn Bridge. The following commands give you the username and randomly-generated password to use if your site uses Basic Authentication:

    kubectl -n keptn get secret bridge-credentials -o jsonpath={.data.BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME} | base64 -d
    kubectl -n keptn get secret bridge-credentials -o jsonpath={.data.BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD} | base64 -d

    You can instead use OpenID Authentication to access the Keptn Bridge.

Install Execution Plane

To install the Execution Plane in the same namespace as the Control Plane, install a microservice. For example, the following two commands install the Jmeter and Helm-service microservices:

helm install jmeter-service  \
  -n keptn --create-namespace --wait

helm install helm-service \
  -n keptn --create-namespace --wait

The Execution Plane (or multiple Execution Planes) can also be installed on different Kubernetes clusters. See Multi-cluster setup for details.

The –set flag

The helm install and helm upgrade commands offer a flag called --set, which can be used to specify several configuration options using the format key1=value1,key2=value2,.... The full list of available flags can be found in the helm-charts. See the READMEfile for a description of the parameters.

  • The Control Plane with the Execution Plane (for Continuous Delivery) can be installed by the following command:
helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace --wait --version=1.3.0 --repo= --set=continuousDelivery.enabled=true
  • The Control Plane with the Execution Plane (for Continuous Delivery) and a LoadBalancer for exposing Keptn can be installed by the following command:
helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace --wait --version=1.3.0 --repo= --set=continuousDelivery.enabled=true,apiGatewayNginx.type=LoadBalancer

Install Keptn using a user-provided API token

You can provide your own API token for Keptn to use by setting the secret name in the apiService.tokenSecretName Helm value during installation. For Helm-Service and JMeter-Service, you can also provide the API token by using the remoteControlPlane.tokenSecretName Helm value.

The user-provided secret needs to live in the same namespace where Keptn will be installed. The user-provided secret should contain a single key keptn-api-token with a token consisting of numbers and letters as its value.

Execute Helm upgrade without Internet connectivity

The following section contains instructions for installing Keptn in an air-gapped / offline installation scenario.

The following artifacts must be available locally:

  • Keptn Helm Chart (control-plane + helm + jmeter)
  • Several Docker Images (e.g., pushed into a private registry)
  • Helper scripts
  • Keptn CLI (optional, but recommended for future use)

Download Keptn Helm Charts

Download the Helm charts from the GitHub release pages:

Move the Helm Charts to a directory on your local machine, e.g., offline-keptn.

For convenience, the following script creates this directory and downloads the required Helm Charts into it:

mkdir offline-keptn
cd offline-keptn
curl -L -o keptn-1.3.0.tgz
curl -L -o helm-service-0.18.1.tgz
curl -L -o jmeter-service-0.18.1.tgz
cd ..

Download Containers/Images

Within the Helm Charts several Docker Images are referenced (Keptn specific and some third party dependencies). We recommend pulling, re-tagging and pushing those images to a local registry that the Kubernetes cluster can reach.

A helper script is provided for this in our Git repository:

For convenience, you can use the following commands to download and execute the script:

cd offline-keptn
curl -L -o
chmod +x
KEPTN_TAG=1.3.0 ./ "your-registry.localhost:5000/"
cd ..

Be sure to include the trailing slash for the registry url (e.g., your-registry.localhost:5000/).


Keptn’s Helm chart allows you to specify the name of all images, which can be especially handy in air-gapped systems where you cannot access DockerHub for pulling the images.

A helper script for this is provided in our Git repository:

For convenience, you can use the following commands to download and execute the script:

cd offline-keptn
curl -L -o
chmod +x
./ "your-registry.localhost:5000/" keptn-1.3.0.tgz \
   helm-service-0.18.1.tgz jmeter-service-0.18.1.tgz
cd ..

Install Keptn using a Root-Context

The Helm Chart allows customizing the root-context for the Keptn API and Bridge. By default, the Keptn API is located under http://HOSTNAME/api and the Keptn Bridge is located under http://HOSTNAME/bridge. By specifying a value for prefixPath, the prefix used for the root-context can be configured. For example, if a user sets prefixPath=/mykeptn in the Helm install/upgrade command, the Keptn API is located under http://HOSTNAME/mykeptn/api and the Keptn Bridge is located under http://HOSTNAME/mykeptn/bridge:

helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace --wait \
   --version=1.3.0 --repo= \

Install Keptn with externally hosted MongoDB

If you want to use an externally hosted MongoDB instead of the MongoDB installed by Keptn, use the helm upgrade command, specifying the MongoDB host, port, user, and password in form of a connection string as shown below:

helm upgrade keptn keptn --install -n keptn --create-namespace

Keptn has no opinion about how to fine-tune the database connection. We recommend that the user specify any special configuration via the connection string parameter in the mongo.external.connectionString helm value.