Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see

Keptn 0.18.2

Release Notes 0.18.2

Keptn 0.18.1 is a bugfix release that solves issue for the resource-service and shipyard-controller.

Bug Fixes

  • Merge integration subscriptions into one, apply newly supplied subscriptions if existing ones are empty (#8566) (bec68ed)
  • resource-service: GetDefaultBranch looks for HEAD before fallback to master (#8627) (05b6ac4)
  • resource-service: Use values provided by GIT_KEPTN_USER and GIT_KEPTN_EMAIL for commits to the upstream (#8711) (e4eb42e), closes #8676
  • shipyard-controller: Added shipyard service filter in event dispatcher (#8682) (e02aed8)
  • shipyard-controller: Clean up event queue when cancelling a sequence (#8715) (a27aafd), closes #8583
  • shipyard-controller: Update Integration when Subscriptions field is null (#8600) (7fd044e)