Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see


Find the Keptn Roadmap here

Please follow this link to get to the Keptn Roadmap maintained at GitHub

Organization of the Roadmap

In Keptn, the roadmap is organized based on Keptn Enhancements Proposals (KEP) that are mapped to Keptn releases. A KEP describes a value increment for driving the direction of the Keptn project. A KEP is open for discussion and once accepted it is broken down into implementation issues. These issues are then added to a milestone and delivered by Keptn releases.

How can I contribute to the Roadmap?

  • Feel free to start discussing KEPs that are already planned and put on the roadmap.
  • Feel free to file a new KEP to tell us the value increment you would like to have in Keptn: Instructions therefore are provided here