Home / Keptn v1 Docs / Release 0.8.7 / Quality Gates / SLI-Provider
Depending on the monitoring solution you have in place and the SLIs you have configured for your services, you need to deploy the corresponding SLI-provider. In Keptn 0.7, this can be either Dynatrace or Prometheus.
Complete steps from section Setup Dynatrace SLI-provider.
To configure Keptn to use the Dynatrace SLI-provider for your project (e.g. musicshop), execute the following command:
keptn configure monitoring dynatrace --project=musicshop
Configure custom SLIs for the Dynatrace SLI-provider as explained here.
Complete steps from section Setup Prometheus SLI-provider.
To configure Keptn to use the Prometheus SLI-provider for your project (e.g. musicshop), execute the following command:
keptn configure monitoring prometheus --project=musicshop --service=catalogue
Configure custom SLIs for the Prometheus SLI-provider as explained here.